How Long Do Breast Implants Last?
Breast implant removal is surgery to take out silicone or saline implants. On average, breast implants last for around 10 years. Some people have implant removal surgery because of tissue hardening around the implant or other complications. Others may have surgery to replace old implants with new ones.
Why Get a Breast Implant Removal?
One of the most common reasons that breast implants may need to be removed or replaced is because scar tissue can harden around the implants. It can cause pain and discomfort, and also change the implants’ appearance. This is known as capsular contracture.
What Are The Reasons To Get A Breast Implant Removal?
Some people also have their breast implants removed because their breasts have changed over time, affecting the look of the implants. Age, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can all change the shape, size, and weight of the breasts. And sometimes people simply don’t want to have their implants anymore, or have different cosmetic goals and want to change their implant size.
Other Reasons Can Be:
- Pain or disfigurement
- The implants being too close together (synmastia)
- Implant rupture
- Size change
- Double bubble deformity
What Happens To My Breasts Afterwards?

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Dr Charlotte Ying is a fully qualified, Australian-trained cosmetic surgery practitioner who graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland with Honours degrees in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics. After completing her internship in Dublin, she relocated to Australia to further her career.
From $6,000
Includes surgical fee, anaesthetic fee, post-operative compression garment, post-operative recovery pack, and follow-up appointments for up to 1 year. All patients get complimentary PEMF treatments for bruising.
Additional cost include hospital fee.
Our team will provide you with an itemised total cost at your initial consultation, after Dr Charlotte Ying has reviewed and discussed your options with you.
What to expect after removal of breast implant surgery
- Removal of breast implant surgery is usually done as a day case under general anaesthetic. Most patients can go home the same day with a support person.
- When you wake up after the operation you should have minimal pain as local anaesthetic will have been administered into the area. The anaesthetic lasts for about 6-12 hours.
- Pain/discomfort varies considerably from person to person. Medication to relieve pain will be prescribed.
- There may or may not be drains inserted to minimise swelling.
- There will be swelling and bruising after breast implant removal surgery.
- Most patients return to work after 4-7 days, depending on the nature of work. More physically demanding jobs will take slightly longer to return to.
- No lifting and no exercising for 4-6 weeks. Contact sports can usually resume after about 6 weeks.
Possible risks and complications:
All surgeries carry risk. Although uncommon, it is important that all patients understand the possible risks and complications associated with breast implant removal surgery. These will be discussed in detail with you during your consultation with Dr Ying, and include, but are not limited to:
Bruising, swelling, pain, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, asymmetrical results, seroma, skin loss, skin loosening, stretchmarks, haematoma, bleeding, wrinkling, infection, undercorrection/overcorrection, changes in sensation, poor scarring, nerve damage, wound breakdown, allergic reactions, stroke and/or heart attack, and atelectasis.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.